Web design based on a WordPress theme

28. 02. 2024

A website is the face of a brand on the Internet – a confusing or outdated website can damage a brand, while a beautifully designed, user-friendly site can contribute to its success. Do you want to create a website for your brand or improve an existing website, but have been put off by the cost? Theme-based web design allows even small businesses with a limited budget to create a website that best represents their brand. The open source CMS WordPress offers a wide range of themes that are relatively inexpensive or even free. With the necessary know-how and customization using plugins, even this cheaper option can create functional and attractive websites.

What is theme-based web design?

If you want to have a professional website, you don’t necessarily have to spend a lot of money. You can use ready-made design templates – called themes – to create websites, in addition to custom solutions. With theme-based web design, you are tied to the functionality of a specific theme and “limited” to a certain extent, but this is perfectly adequate for the requirements of most websites.

In contrast to custom solutions, for theme-based websites we use existing WordPress themes such as Enfold or Elementor and build the site on top of them, without having to program the structure and technology from scratch. However, theme-based websites still allow for custom design and are best suited to the client’s needs.

Theme-based web design: Why WordPress?

WordPress stands out for its ease of use, extensive extensibility, and versioning compatibility. The proven CMS has made web development more accessible by allowing users without programming skills to create, design and manage professional websites without writing code.

Multipurpose WordPress themes like Enfold or page builder plugins like Elementor offer a user-friendly interface and a variety of pre-built elements (building blocks) that can be dragged and dropped into place. This makes it easy to add columns, text blocks, images, sliders, call-to-action buttons, and more, and then make detailed adjustments (color, fonts, layouts, and other design elements).

When is Theme-Based Web Design the Right Choice?

The big advantage of theme-based websites is that they are significantly less expensive than custom web design projects. Theme-based solutions are especially attractive for smaller businesses with a limited budget and manageable requirements. If you don’t need highly complex, customized features, a premium theme will give you a beautiful, professional website that can be expanded and customized.

Theme-based websites also provide a quick solution when quick results are needed. What’s more, you can easily manage or expand theme solutions yourself or outsource the task to another agency.

We recommend theme-based web design for small to medium sized projects that do not require special features. For example, an online store can be easily integrated into a theme-based website using a WooCommerce plugin. However, as soon as things get more complex, such as integrating an enterprise resource planning system, a custom solution is recommended. At a certain point, it is no longer economical to convert an existing theme and it makes more sense to program the site from scratch.

The choice between a theme solution and a custom solution depends on the client’s individual needs, circumstances, and available budget.

The advantages of theme-based websites are obvious:

  • Theme solutions are less expensive than custom themes.
  • They are quick to implement.
  • They are inherently responsive.
  • For most use cases, the standard features included in premium themes are more than sufficient.

Website mit Enfold Theme

Theme-based WordPress Websites: Workflow

1. Kick-off meeting

A theme-based web design project begins with a detailed kick-off meeting where we discuss your vision, expectations, and desired functionality for the website, and develop a clear roadmap and timeline for the project.

During this initial meeting we will discuss

  • Your design preferences (colors, fonts, etc.)
  • Technical requirements (hosting, functionality, connectivity)
  • Site architecture (site map, levels, menu navigation)
  • Content strategy
  • Timeline & feedback loops


2. Analysis

Before we begin, we conduct a competitive analysis and identify your target audience. For relaunches, we also review existing site functionality and design to identify strengths and weaknesses.

3. Corporate design

Based on the kick-off meeting and the analysis, we create a corporate design that is specific to your brand, that reflects the values, philosophy and uniqueness of your company, and that ensures a consistent corporate identity. We create a logo, determine the color scheme and typography, and much more. This not only increases brand awareness, but also builds trust and loyalty with your target audience.

Ein Corporate Design beschreibt alle philosophischen und visuellen Werte seiner Marke

4. Website implementation

Once the corporate design is complete, the website is built. Of course, you will be actively involved in the development process to ensure that the final product meets your expectations.

We start by designing the home page so you can see all the design elements. Then we create all the other page types. Once completed, you can easily create or clone the pages and fill them with content – or we can do it for you.


5. Completion

Our designers and developers work closely together to create a user-oriented, high-performance website. With our “Carefree Package”, you can sit back and relax while we do all the work: at the end of the day, you get a finished website and a training course in which we teach you how to use WordPress and how to make changes to your website yourself.

Of course, we do a thorough quality control and testing of the website before publishing it.


Conclusion: Theme-Based Website

Cost savings, quick implementation, and a wide range of customization options are the benefits of theme-based web design. WordPress themes provide a flexible foundation for creating and managing an attractive website without in-depth technical knowledge. This makes theme solutions especially attractive for smaller businesses and projects with a limited budget.